TYSON Beef Stir Fry Kit; Cooked White Rice, Oriental Style Vegetables, Seasoned Beef Strips, Oriental Style Sauce, frozen entree, Product Code 5332-921

Food Group: Meals, Entrees, and Sidedishes

Category: TYSON

Popular tags: product code 5332-921, tyson beef stir fry kit cooked white ric,

Serving Sizes: package yields | serving |

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: package yields
Per Serving
% Daily Value**
Calories 866.7 kcal
Total Fat 10 g
Sodium 3167.1 mg
Carbohydrate 141.6 g
Protein 51.6 g
Vitamin A 5524.2 IU
Vitamin C 50.2 mg

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: serving
Per Serving
% Daily Value**
Calories 433.4 kcal
Total Fat 5 g
Sodium 1583.6 mg
Carbohydrate 70.8 g
Protein 25.8 g
Vitamin A 2762.1 IU
Vitamin C 25.1 mg

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* All food and nutrition data is from the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (SR), Release 18.

** All daily values are from A Food Labeling Guide: Reference Values for Nutrition Labeling by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. Percentages shown are Based on a 2000 Calorie intake, for children and adults above the age of 4. To see percentages for your entire meal, please Join Mealographer.